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Jumyir Basar, M.A. (Anthropology), Ph.D (Tribal Studies) from Rajiv Gandhi University, Itanagar, Arunachal Pradesh, is faculty at Arunachal Institute of Tribal Studies of the same University. Basar is also an Associate at IUC, Indian Institute of Advanced Study; Shimla, besides being member of many professional bodies. She is actively involved in NGO and women's movements of the State. Her research interest includes IKS, social exclusion, women's issues and development interventions. She has conducted field studies among various tribes, namely Nyishi, Wancho and Birhor. She has presented more than 25 papers in national and international seminars in the country and abroad. She has co-edited three volumes on the themes of marginalised identity and interventions for tribal development in the context of globalisation.

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